Watchara Waewwutthinan
Started working in 1982
Presently holding the position of the Chief Executive Officer
JSL Global Media Company Limited
A friend who knows that I have been working at JSL for more than 30 years usually says “Oh, it’s quite a long time”. However, the hidden messages in the statement shows appreciation and wonderment about “Why have I only worked for one company? Haven't I thought of running my own business or working for other companies?” If I reply jokingly, I will say that “At this age, other companies may not select me to work with them”. Nevertheless, when I ask myself what keeps me working here until now, I think that if I want to quit the life of an employee, I would end up here anyways… This line is the answer.
The place where we can stay for a long time should have happiness that we are satisfied with. Every workplace has different strengths, weaknesses, organizational cultures, problems and conditions. I will not say which place is better, but JSL makes me feel happier than suffering in working.
Happiness that happens from doing what we love and want to do is the creation of work, especially in the first period of working when business competition was not as intense like now. When we proposed a fun idea, P’Ton and P’Noi would think of the enjoyment and nodded their heads to approve such idea kindly with the belief that we could make it without asking “Do you get money from that?”
Let’s think how happiness for work where we started from nothing and the dramatic dream assigned by other people that result in concrete work seen and admired by others will be.
Although some works may not meet the business aspects as expected, there is no blame from these two siblings. They will teach us instead in order to solve defective points for more complete work in the future and also give the support to us.