4 simple ways for a toxin-free life

Category: Natural Medicine | September 10, 2019
By Dr. Nichamon Samantarat, the first naturopathic specialist in Thailand. She obtained a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine degree from Bastyr University, USA, a world-class academic center for integrating knowledge in the natural health.
  • We currently live amidst toxic substances which lead to various health problems. Let’s have a look at how to lead a toxin-free life.  

1. Avoid greasy fried foods 
No need to check if the food ingredients are organic, just simply avoid all types of deep fried foods, as no matter the raw ingredients, once deep fried in oil it all becomes junk, regardless of the quality of oil used. This is because deep frying creates oxidants, and consuming fried foods is like putting toxic substances directly into our mouths, compared to inviting a thief into the house. No matter how tempting the food looks, oil is a very scary toxic substance.        

Moreover, most toxic substances will be accumulated in fat cells upon entering the body. When we eat pork, beef, or chicken fat, if there are toxic substances, heavy metals, or any kinds of toxins, it will be stored in that animal, and hence deep fried foods should be avoided especially for urban dwellers.   


2. Do not use plastic 
It is not only a matter of climate change, but plastic is a type of toxic substance. Thai food is hot food not cold, and when placed inside plastics or foams, the toxins melt into the food which is then consumed. Or if the food has been in an aluminium can we also consume the aluminium as well. Therefore, we must pay attention to the container which is used for the foods.   

The recommended container is glass, ceramics, and stainless wares. When we go outside to purchase foods and drinks, we should bring our own containers or glass. Although they may weigh a lot, we must think that it is for our long-term health.   

3. Personal hygiene products such as cosmetics, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. should be organic 
     This probably requires money, as products made from organic materials have higher price than chemical ones. However, as skin cream can be absorbed into our skin, so can the chemicals in the cream.    

4. Drink water and exercise to detox 
     As toxins enter our body, they can also be detoxified. The general mechanism which the body functions is through urine, feces and sweat. So if we drink little water and not urinate much the effectiveness of detoxification will be reduced. More water should be consumed so that the body can regularly detoxify.   

If you defecate once every three days, it should be a cause for concern, as although we consume toxic substances with the food, they are excreted with with the feces. However, if we have bowel movement once every three days, the toxins will be absorbed into the body. Thus we should defecate regularly to get rid of these toxins. 
    As for sweat, it is better to sweat regularly whether through exercise or sauna are all good ways to detoxify the body. However after sweating one must also clean the sweat off oneself, otherwise the excreted toxins will be absorbed into the body again. 
    For a toxin-free life, try following these abovementioned steps.    

Compiled by: Winna Rakkarn
Photo credit: Freepik, Alinaturalliving