Kik Duu Songkram Pleng Ngern Lan pleased the community by bringing the stars to create the new session, namely ‘Palang Ban Kerd’, with enjoyment and fun that will shake the stage.
JSL Global Media Company Limited changed the form of program to please the audience at all times. ‘Kik Duu Songkram Pleng Ngern Lan’ recently adjusted their air time to be sooner, not late at night as usual, and broadcasted on holidays at new air time on Saturdays at 15.45 hrs. on Channel 7.
Singer team was prepared to show the special performance at the opening session of the program. On this week, let’s meet ‘Paowalee Pornpimon’ and watch the new session, namely ‘Palang Ban Kerd’, for which the stars were the team leader, sang and danced with the community in each province.
The team of Kra Buri District, Ranong Province, was led by ‘Tubtim – Anyarin Terathananpat’ with all heart to reinforce the team by singing the song titled ‘OK Na Ka’ of Katreeya English, versus the handsome guy named ‘Big M – Krittarit Butprom’, the team leader of Phu Wiang District, Khon Kaen Province, who sang the song titled ‘Ya Hai Ter Loy Nuan’ of Got Chackraphan and danced with enjoyment. Let’s stay tuned to who will lead the team to compete for millions on Saturday, 25 November 2017, at 15.45 hrs. on Channel 7.