‘Per’ is excited to bring you sightseeing at ‘Dasada Resort’ to find the legendary orchid.
On this week, ‘Perspective’ will please orchid lovers by bringing them sightseeing at ‘Dasada Resort’, Prachinburi Province, and meeting Dr. Pawaret Boontanon, the President of Dasada Resort, who changed the arid area of more than thousand rai to be Thailand’s top-orchid breeding source that recently turned into a flower garden with various species, accommodations, restaurant and top natural attraction of Prachinburi Province.
Per stated that “It is nearly the end of the year and long holiday, and many people may seek attractions. I would recommend this place because it is not far away from Bangkok Metropolis, and now, there is the Flower Gallery Exhibition from December to February of each year. Also, I affirm that you will feel excited with various highlights as the name ‘Dasada’ is derived from Sanskrit language and means ‘Various’, such as the breeding house of Phalaenopsis Orchid which is a rare orchid, and Dasada Café which provides food and beverage service. Have a sip of flower tea which is the signature of this place in good atmosphere. In this place, you can travel all day and all night; especially at night, there will be a lantern exhibition with dramatic lights and sounds as well as dancing fountain that will make you excited to the fullest. In addition, the new gimmick that will be opened soon is bringing the traveler to check in at the room by boat to feel the nature along the route. This is regarded as a complete traveling experience”.
In addition to the travel and entertainment, there is also the knowledge and inspiration obtained from the living aspect of Dr. Pawaret who was able to change obstacles in life to be successful in business until the present. Don’t miss ‘Perspective’ on Sunday, 24 December 2017, at 21.00 hrs. on Channel 9 MCOT HD by pressing number 30.