The principles to help stop food “addiction”

Category: Mental Health | December 02, 2019
By Pasin Intarawong, writer and motivational speaker who specializes in Buddhist teachings

     When people feel addicted to something, such as sugar cravings, even while knowing that they may get diabetes, they still consume sugary foods. Sometimes there are reasons for this lack of self-discipline, such as one might have problems in the family or in one’s workplace, and thus finds a way out by eating sweets to be happy for a moment, or to reduce stress. 

It is sufficient just to realize that what one is consuming is good or bad. We shouldn’t cling to something or find excuses to leave our guard down. For example, making excuses to eat certain foods when one feels bad. Consider it in a straightforward manner and resolve your problem honestly, trying to find the real cause of that problem. But if you keep justifying yourself with negative behavior – you will end up putting the blame on something else. Therefore, you must learn wisely in order to create self-revolution and stop blaming past mistakes. 

For example, if you’re obese and a psychologist told you that your obesity is associated with family stress, then you feel that it’s not your fault but someone else that is making you fat. Just thinking in that way makes you lose from the beginning, because there’s always a mental loophole to avoid taking responsibility. If you want to be healthy, you should learn what is bad and what should not be eaten. 

Therefore, what you should do to be healthy is to have the faith and willpower to transform yourself into a healthy person, as well as learning about health literacy thoroughly and just take action.

What is the fear of getting sick?
Most people eat sugary foods. They are sugar cravers even though they fear 

    To overcome such fear, one should face the fear and learn from it, otherwise that fear will go nowhere. For example, if you’re afraid of the dark, in the daytime you should sit and consider what is in the darkness, and then gradually face it little by little. Always be aware that humans have choices and that we should have faith in ourselves. But for most people, when their fears arise, they will lose the determination to control their fears. 

Above all, you have to choose the life you want to live.

As mentioned above, these health problems are not complicated and they can be directly solved. There are no shortcuts or miracles that can help you achieve this. The real problem is that you can’t have your cake and eat it too, which makes things more complicated. For example, you want to eat your favorite food but also want to be healthy too, or you don’t put your effort into exercise but you want to lose weight. You can’t always get what you want, that’s a very simple principle that anyone already knows. You don’t even need deep specialized knowledge. People are well-aware how to make their lives better. Just do what needs to be done.    

Whenever you take a shortcut it means you admit failure up front. Don’t follow your desire but begin with your wisdom. Desire will trick you into taking a shortcut and lead you to failure. Every problem starts within yourself. Health and eating habits are straightforward issues. It’s not so complicated as to require psychoanalysis.

Lord Buddha once preached, “Human’s heart is sacred. It can inspire and create anything.” He said that the mind is everything. If you can’t achieve this, you won’t succeed with other things in life. When you’re mentally strong, nothing is out of reach.  

Compiled by: Winna Rakkarn
Photo credit: Unsplash 