Doraemon is Japanese cartoon written by Fujiko Fujio. It is the story of cat-type robot titled Doraemon. Fujiko Fujio stated that Doraemon was born on 3 September and came from the future to help Nobita, a primary school student who is lazy, with secret gadgets from the future. Doraemon was first published in January 1970 by Shogakukan having 1,344 episodes. Later, on 11 June 1997, Doraemon received an award at the 1st Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award for Best Cartoon, and was selected by TIME Magazine Asia to be one of Asian heros from Japan. Then, on 19 March 2008, Doraemon was also selected to be the Goodwill Ambassador for cultural relations of Japan. In addition, Bandai Company Limited, the manufacturer and distributer of famous cartoon products of Japan, produced a real Doraemon robot under the name of “My Doraemon” which was first released on 3 September 2009. In Thailand, Doraemon comic book was published by many publishers before the cartoon copyright was applied. However, Nation Edutainment is currently granted the copyright for exclusive publishing. Doraemon anime version was first broadcasted on 5 September 1982 on Modernine TV.